ZZR offers customized, on-site training for miners. We work one on one with companies to customize training to meet individual training needs. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your training goals.
New Miner Training
Part 48 Training
- 40 hour Underground New Miner (All or any part)
- 24 hour Surface New Miner Training (All or any part)
Part 46 Training
- 24 hour New Miner Training (Less mine tour)
Employees must receive 24 hours of specified training. In most cases, four hours must be given before work begins with the remaining 20 hours given within 60 days while working under close supervision.
Annual Refresher Training
Part 46 Annual Refresher Training
Part 48 Annual Refresher Training
Zero Zone Resources offers both Part 46 and Part 48 Annual Refresher Training. The Annual Refresher class covers the MSHA required topics.
The Annual Refresher Classes can be set up on site or at our classroom. The Annual Refresher Class is an 8 hour class. Upon completion of the class, students receive an MSHA approved Certificate of Training.
First Aid Training
First Aid and CPR training is a six hour basic course. The basic course expires in one year and students must then complete a four hour update every two years. Upon completion of the course, students receive a wall certificate and a wallet card.
The First Aid/CPR class covers assessment, the ABC’s of First Aid (airway, breathing and circulation), illness and injury.
Crane Training Program
The Crane Training Program is available in a three day or four day course depending on the number of students in the class.
General Overview and Objectives of the Crane Training Program
This program will fulfill the following objectives:
- Provides basic training and increased efficiency for crane operators.
- Provides specific safety training for all phases of crane operation.
- Provides instruction on operator responsibilities for minimizing equipment malfunction by making appropriate pre operation and post operation inspections and operating equipment within manufacturers intended limits.
- Train operators in the full range of functional capabilities of the equipment in use and how to achieve safe efficiency during operation.
Operators will:
- Learn safe operating procedures for mobile cranes.
- Learn the functional capabilities and limits of available equipment.
- Perform pre-operation and post-operation inspections.
- Learn to recognize equipment conditions which can prevent the machine from remaining operational while on the project.
Crane I-Introduction to Basic Safety and Operational Procedures
Crane I is an introduction to the basic safety and operational procedures of working with a crane.
The class will cover the following:
- General Safety
- Hand Signals
- Inspection
- Maintenance
- Set Up
Crane II-Rigging
Crane II covers the following topics:
- Review of Crane I
- Definition of rigging terms
- Rigging
- Center of Gravity
- Calculating loads and weights
- ANSI Standards
Crane III-Inspection
Crane III covers the following topics:
- Review of Crane I & II
- Rigging and accident analysis
- Safe working loads
- Inspections
- ANSI Standards
Crane IV-Operator’s Proficiency
Crane IV is testing for actual operator’s skills in:
- Traveling
- Setting up
- Lifting
- Rigging and inspection
A crane must be available for use with this class.
Students must pass a written exam each day of class. This course is valid for two years.
Upon successful completion of the Crane Training Course, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Crane Re-certification
A combination of the previous three or four days of the Crane Training Course. Review of select material from each day and a hands on crane inspection. A crane must be available for this class. Students must pass a written exam.
After the initial Crane Training Course, students will need to complete the Crane Re-certification course.
Upon successful completion of the Crane Re-certification Course, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Confined Space Training
The Confined Space Training Program helps employees to identify and control hazards which occur in and around confined spaces. This is a four hour class.
The Confined Space Training Class will review the following:
- Learn to identify a Confined Space
- Hazard Assessment-Learn to identify existing or potential hazards in the area
- Hazard Control-Develop safe work practices
- Monitor workplace conditions
- Atmospheric Testing
- Ventilation
- Safety Equipment
- 30CFR Regulations
Students must pass a written exam.
Upon successful completion of the Confined Space Training, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Conveyor System Training Program
The Conveyor System Training Program is a two day course. The course covers components of a conveyor system, hazards while working around conveyor systems, guards for conveyor systems and safety work practices for conveyors. The Conveyor System Training Program reviews the following:
- Conditions vs. Actions
- Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions
- Components of the conveyor system (functions and locations)
- Identify hazards associated with a conveyor system
- Describe types of injuries found in a conveyor system accident
- Examine how housekeeping will reduce accidents
- Guarding
- Identify areas that need guards
- Identify protection provided by different guards
- Proper procedure for removing cards
- Safe work practices for working around conveyors
- Demonstrate area shift inspection procedure
- Job Safety Analysis
Students must successfully complete a written exam.
Upon successful completion of the Conveyor System Training Program, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Defensive Driving
The National Safety Council Defensive Driving is available in a six or eight hour class. The Defensive Driving Class covers safe driving and how to make effective decisions while on the highway.
The Defensive Driving Course covers the following:
- Identify risky attitudes and behaviors that can cause problems on the road
- Explain the difference between good driving and defensive driving
- Identify driving hazards
- Identify driver conditions that result in collisions and violations
- Explain the effects that drugs, illegal and legal have on driving abilities
- Why drivers choose safe and unsafe behaviors
- Learn techniques to use to safely maintain control in adverse driving situations
- Most common driver errors and how to avoid those errors
- Recognize uncontrollable driving conditions that contribute to collisions
- Identify defensive driving maneuvers that help us maintain control in and cope with uncontrollable driving conditions
- Identify benefits of proper use of restraints for adults and children
- Identify personal behaviors and decisions you will make in future driving situations to avoid collisions and violations
Upon completion of the class, students receive a certificate as well as a pocket card.
Defensive Operator’s Course (DOC)
The Defensive Operator’s Course helps equipment operators to become more proactive, not reactive while operating their equipment. This is a six hour course. The program instills the Three A Accident Prevention Formula. Participants will learn how to apply the Three A Accident Prevention Formula (Awareness, Anticipation and Action) to their day to day operations.
The Defensive Operator’s Course covers the following:
- Learn the difference between a good operator and a defensive operator
- Define a defensive operator
- Identify whether an accident was preventable
- Identify the three basic steps in avoiding accidents
- Learn how to recognize potential hazards
- Identify operator decision that result in violations and accidents
- Look at the effects of illegal and legal drugs on job performance
- Why employees decide on safe or unsafe behavior
- Examine how outside distractions can affect job performance and decision making
- Identify areas where most accidents occur
- Anticipate potential hazards associated with conditions

Students must pass a written exam.
Upon successful completion of the Defensive Operator’s Course, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Forklift Training
The forklift training program is a six hour class. The forklift training covers safety, descriptions of various equipment, pre operational checks, proper operation, handling and stacking procedures. It also covers different types of forklifts or lift trucks including-LP Powered Lift Trucks, Battery Powered Lift Trucks, and Gas & Diesel Powered Lift Trucks. A forklift must be available for the class. Upon completion of the class of the Forklift training course, students will be able to:
- Recognize and avoid hazards you may encounter while operating a lift truck.
- Describe the controls and components common to all lift trucks.
- Perform the steps in a pre-operational check of the lift trucks.
- Identify and understand the load capacities and control level functions.
- Demonstrate the proper handling, stacking, loading and unloading methods.
- State the specific safety precautions for operating LP (liquid propane, battery, gasoline and diesel powered lift trucks).
- State the importance of practicing good housekeeping in the use of a lift truck.
- Operate a lift truck safely while negotiating a driving course.
Student must successfully perform a lift with the forklift and must pass a written exam.
Upon successful completion of the Forklift Training Program, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Plant Maintenance Electrical Training
The Plant Maintenance Electrical Training Course is a four day course.
Day I and II covers the fundamentals of electricity, electrical safety, preventative maintenance, troubleshooting and maintenance procedures, and knowledge and skill limitations.
Day III & IV covers alternating current (AC), grounding fundamentals, splicing wires and circuit protection. Students must bring their electrical test meter to all four days of training.
Plant Maintenance Electrical Training Day I & II
Day I & II Electrical Training covers the following:
- Basic terminology and fundamentals of electricity
- Safety work procedures
- Limitations of electrical maintenance
- Preventive maintenance procedures
- Electrical troubleshooting procedures
- Proper electrical maintenance procedures
Plant Maintenance Electrical Training Day III & IV
Day III & IV Electrical Training covers the following:
- Introduction to Alternating Current
- Alternating Current principles
- Grounding basics
- Grounding and safety
- Splicing wires
- Circuit protection
- Circuit protection devices
- Checking and replacing fuses
Students must successfully complete a written exam at the end of day II and day IV. Upon successful completion of the Plant Maintenance Electrical Training, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Plant Maintenance Electrical Refresher
The electrical refresher course is an 8 hour course. This course is a refresher of the previous four days of electrical training. Students should complete the refresher course within one year of completing the initial electrical training.
The Plant Maintenance Electrical Refresher Course covers:
- Safety review of Electrical I and Electrical II
- National Electrical Code
- Volt/Ohm/Milliamp Meter
- Fuse Replacement
- Drop Cords
- Grounding/Ground Testing
- Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI)
Students must successfully complete a written exam. Upon successful completion of the Plant Maintenance Electrical Refresher Training, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Train-the-Trainer Course – (Competent Person For Task Training)
This program has been designed to aid mine employees in the principles of training fundamentals. This is a three day course. It is not the intent of this course to teach subject matter, but rather to teach how to teach. Those chosen to teach miners should already be knowledgeable in the subject matter. Since telling is not teaching, instructors must do more than merely inform. They must use techniques that will convey ideas and change behavior. The trainer must know and understand what is required in order to carry out this important task of training miners. A trainer has the ability to change behavior for better or worse.
The Competent Person Course Covers:
- The Adult Learner
- Motivation
- Curriculum Design
- Effective Presentations
- Lesson Plan Development
- Developing objectives
- Training aids
- 30 CFR Part 46
- Communication
- How adults learn
- Instructor guidelines
- How to conduct orientations
- Method for proper job instruction
Students must pass a written exam and students must successfully present a safety meeting to the class. Upon successful completion of the Train the Trainer Course, students will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
Train The Trainer: Haul Truck
The Haul Truck training program is an in depth study concerning all aspects of haul truck operation.
Subjects covered in the program include:
- Pre-shift inspection
- Mounting and dismounting
- Start-up and shut-down procedures
- Features and controls
- Operating skills and many more applicable subjects
At the end of each section there is a quiz to evaluate the effectiveness and comprehension level of the student. If necessary, that particular section can be reviewed. Used in conjunction with hands on training, this program is a giant step forward for haul truck operators.
Train The Trainer: Loader
The Front-End Loader Program is designed to incorporate written material from the classroom into practical hands-on training. Subjects covered in this training module include:
- Pre-shift examination
- Features and controls
- General operation
- Safe work practices
- Warning signs and labels
- Miscellaneous items covered during the training include: battery safety; fatalgrams; job safety analysis.
A proficiency test will be administered.
Train The Trainer: Motorgrader
The Motorgrader training program combines written material, videos and hands-on training to prepare the student for grader operation. Subjects covered during this course include:
- General safety rules
- Pre-shift inspection
- Features and controls
- Operation
- Hazard avoidance such as (traffic, restraint systems, mounting/dismounting, repair and maintenance.)
A proficiency test will be administered if equipment is available.
Train The Trainer: Dozer
The track dozer training program is a comprehensive training program that deals with all aspects of dozer operation. Subjects covered in this program include:
- General safety rules
- Pre-shift examination
- Operation; hazard avoidance (ground control, highwall safety, and stockpile safety.)
Operators completing this course will be better equipped to deal with production demands in a safer and more efficient manner.